Culloden Brits
- Nov 29, 2017
- By Stephen
- In
These figures represent Culloden British (although the uniforms of European and American armies of this period did not vary very much, so they can be painted to represent almost any army). The grenadier heads are provided because apart from headgear there was hardly any difference between grenadier uniforms and the standard infantry uniforms.
The “pushing the bayonet” pose was part of the British army drill at this time. The Replicant pushing-the-bayonet figure is oddly positioned: he has his bayonet angled slightly to the right of the direction in which his body is facing. When a line of Jacobites armed with broadswords and targes faced a line of British, this position enabled the bayonet to strike the Jacobite to the immediate right of the one directly opposite, getting in between their two shields.